T&C GmbH – Trading & Consulting was founded 1996 by Mr. Gurdeep Singh Chhatwal after completing his master in business management (Dipl.-Kfm.) at the University of Münster, Germany.
Between chainstores, the branded industry and private label manufacturers T&C GmbH has found its space and has developed to become one of the leading traders/brokers of branded FMCG in Europe. Today nearly all relevant chainstores (toiletries, super-markets) and pharmaceutical wholesalers are customers and/or suppliers of T&C.
For the chainstores/wholesalers T&C is the alternative to sourcing directly through the industry. Using T&C as supplier not only provides transparency on better existing conditions in the market. Additionally the customers have the chance to participate in these prices and realize continuous check of their buying conditions.
The branded industry uses T&C and its worldwide network for solving problems and directing goods reliable, effective and discreet.
Based on the support of T&C the private label industry has won many long-term supply tenders for Europe´s top chainstores and international airlines.
Start Ups could benefit from the professional monitoring and support given by T&C GmbH in the process of launching new innovations and its over decades grown network.
With the help of T&C GmbH Business Development and innovative Match Making has been executed for our customers, suppliers and partners and has created many new cooperations and efficient souring opportunities. Especially T&C GmbH´s intersectoral worldwide network has opened doors for finding unconventional solutions and generating competitive advantages for our partners.
Please feel free to contact us anytime to discuss with us how we can provide added value to your company.